To contribute to the achievement of national strategic goals by bridging competency gaps in health-based vocational education and training, with a specific focus on older persons’ health and people living with dementia.
Residential care
What is the most important thing in the world?
It is people, it is people, it is people
To care for the people
who are caring for the people
who need other people to care for them.
To contribute to a working environment in which the vast majority of our care team wake up inspired to go to work, feel safe when they are there, and return home fulfilled at the end of their shift.
Lead a genuine learner-centred/employee-focussed approach to learning that aligns with the needs of Aotearoa New Zealand’s residential care and dementia care services. Design and deliver vocational education programmes that reflect the needs of care staff and the people who need their care. Strengthen sustainability and viability through diversification of revenue streams and the reduction of burdensome administration.